Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hello, My Name Is Mama

Liam has had a cold for the past week and I think rather than sitting in and waiting for it to go away my solution is to unconsciously wipe his nose every minute and keep going because if we stop we might have time to catch a breath and admit he has a cold. I hate used to hate going out to the stores and seeing snotty nosed kids poking around in the produce isle but lately my standards are slowing dropping. I now feel for the mom toting around a cold stricken kid at the grocery not because the child is sick (yes,yes, I feel sorry for the child too) but because I know that mom was probably up all night staring at the monitor making sure they didn't have a coughing fit and/or has had that child hanging from their pants whining all day and still has to go home and make dinner. I think we rarely ever give ourselves credit. WE DO A LOT. I just heard that the average stay at home mom works about 95 hours a week and I completely believe that. When is the last time you just turned yourself off?! Even when you do go out on a girls night, you know that at one point you are secretly in the bathroom stall texting the hubby to see how the homestead is hanging on. They created Mother's day for a reason and it's about time we give ourselves some credit!Take time to get that pedi you have been dreaming about! You deserve it! Have a glass of wine...hell, have two! (or in my case 3 ;)) So cheers to all of the mama's out there. This is your week! Celebrate it! You earned it!!

Monday, May 7, 2012


I have writer's block...I want to write, I really do. There are tons of things I could tell you about...the "Derby Party" my in-laws held, the supermoon bonfire we had after, our "Sunday Funday", my photoshoot of my friends sweet baby with my sister in law. ( check it out on her Facebook page Ashley Rose Photography ...picture below :)) But for some reason, I have nothing to say about it...don't get me wrong, it was a great weekend, consistently moving, always entertaining and even surprising but I can't find the ability to type it out. I hope that after this week goes by my passion for blogging will be found again. I will soon become a single mom for about 75% of a 3plus month time frame. Believe me, I will have plenty to brag and B@#$% about!

See ya tomorrow...hopefully with something interesting ;)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Fast Fix Friday

I am going to a Derby party tomorrow but I have to work before hand. I wanted to make a quick appetizer to bring along so I decided on pizza bites ;)

You need:

3cans of biscuits
30 cubes of cheese
60 pieces of pepperoni
1 egg
Italian herbs
Parmesan cheese

Flatten you biscuit into a round. Layer a piece of pepperoni, cheese and top it off with another piece of pepperoni. Fold your biscuit around the filling. Brush with egg wash and herbs. Sprinkle with cheese and bake for 20 min at 350 ;)
Serve with pizza sauce to dip.


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A Pinterest menu

Tonight I am hosting my dad's birthday dinner for my immediate family and grandparents ...totaling 8 adults. I wanted to do healthy,easy and (most of all) delicious recipes. Thankfully, I was able to find them all on Pinterest. This is what I came up with....

Marinated tri-tip

Parmesan Roasted Green Beans

Corn and Tomato Salad

A Berry Salad

Roasted Red Potatoes

Multigrain bread

Chocolate Cake

The reviews were great and noone could believe that they were low fat!

Follow me on can find these on my "dadbday" board ;)