Tuesday, August 28, 2012


There are some days where I am so thankful. I hope you feel the same way I do...that is all ;)

Saturday, August 25, 2012


I came home from work today ad found the greatest surprise...my mom and dad had redone my pond! Before my parents did this it could have honestly been called a swamp! Now my frogs and fish are swimming around the clear waters in their "happy haven" :) (I couldn't help myself!)

It's random acts of kindness,like this, that make me keep myself in check. I am so blessed to have parents and family who would do anything for another. I really couldn't ask for more! Now it's time to PAY IT FORWARD!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Out and about.

I don't know if it's the last days of summer or the beautiful weather but I can't stand to be in my house! Liam and I go from park to park to being outside in the yard. We play and play and play until he can't keep his eyes open anymore. I am loving every second of it. It's been so much fun this summer to watch him grow. I feel like everyday there is a new challenge and everyday he conquers the quest. It makes me sad to see school buses driving around and school zone signs obnoxiously flashing. When those days come I will be very sad for the end of summer but as for now I can't wait to see what fall brings us :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Vampires at the playground

I was at the park yesterday with Liam and ran into an old high school friend and her two year old son. After about 30 minutes (of some hard play) Liam was screaming with the evidence of a whooping bite mark on his arm! The first thought that came to my mind was to kick that little 2 year old's booty down the tube slide...but after some careful consideration and a little thought I was just happy that Liam wasn't the biter!

These things happen with toddlers and I completely understand. I can't even imagine not being able to fully communicate! Liam's tears were gone before we knew it and of course he got a huge cookie to make up for it ;)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Well hello again stranger! It's been too long. I have truly missed blogging but I knew I didn't want to come back until I could truly commit myself.

The other day I was rolling around the floor with Liam and felt this overwhelming sense of happiness. I have always known how lucky I am but at that moment I really felt it. Like in my soul. I know it sounds strange but do you know where I am coming from?? One of those moments where you just need to sit there and soak it all in and say a little "thank you" for everything you have. I am so lucky to have the life I have been given and I can't wait to keep writing about the craziness that's comes with it!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hello, My Name Is Mama

Liam has had a cold for the past week and I think rather than sitting in and waiting for it to go away my solution is to unconsciously wipe his nose every minute and keep going because if we stop we might have time to catch a breath and admit he has a cold. I hate used to hate going out to the stores and seeing snotty nosed kids poking around in the produce isle but lately my standards are slowing dropping. I now feel for the mom toting around a cold stricken kid at the grocery not because the child is sick (yes,yes, I feel sorry for the child too) but because I know that mom was probably up all night staring at the monitor making sure they didn't have a coughing fit and/or has had that child hanging from their pants whining all day and still has to go home and make dinner. I think we rarely ever give ourselves credit. WE DO A LOT. I just heard that the average stay at home mom works about 95 hours a week and I completely believe that. When is the last time you just turned yourself off?! Even when you do go out on a girls night, you know that at one point you are secretly in the bathroom stall texting the hubby to see how the homestead is hanging on. They created Mother's day for a reason and it's about time we give ourselves some credit!Take time to get that pedi you have been dreaming about! You deserve it! Have a glass of wine...hell, have two! (or in my case 3 ;)) So cheers to all of the mama's out there. This is your week! Celebrate it! You earned it!!

Monday, May 7, 2012


I have writer's block...I want to write, I really do. There are tons of things I could tell you about...the "Derby Party" my in-laws held, the supermoon bonfire we had after, our "Sunday Funday", my photoshoot of my friends sweet baby with my sister in law. ( check it out on her Facebook page Ashley Rose Photography ...picture below :)) But for some reason, I have nothing to say about it...don't get me wrong, it was a great weekend, consistently moving, always entertaining and even surprising but I can't find the ability to type it out. I hope that after this week goes by my passion for blogging will be found again. I will soon become a single mom for about 75% of a 3plus month time frame. Believe me, I will have plenty to brag and B@#$% about!

See ya tomorrow...hopefully with something interesting ;)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Fast Fix Friday

I am going to a Derby party tomorrow but I have to work before hand. I wanted to make a quick appetizer to bring along so I decided on pizza bites ;)

You need:

3cans of biscuits
30 cubes of cheese
60 pieces of pepperoni
1 egg
Italian herbs
Parmesan cheese

Flatten you biscuit into a round. Layer a piece of pepperoni, cheese and top it off with another piece of pepperoni. Fold your biscuit around the filling. Brush with egg wash and herbs. Sprinkle with cheese and bake for 20 min at 350 ;)
Serve with pizza sauce to dip.


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A Pinterest menu

Tonight I am hosting my dad's birthday dinner for my immediate family and grandparents ...totaling 8 adults. I wanted to do healthy,easy and (most of all) delicious recipes. Thankfully, I was able to find them all on Pinterest. This is what I came up with....

Marinated tri-tip

Parmesan Roasted Green Beans

Corn and Tomato Salad

A Berry Salad

Roasted Red Potatoes

Multigrain bread

Chocolate Cake

The reviews were great and noone could believe that they were low fat!

Follow me on Pinterest.....you can find these on my "dadbday" board ;)

Monday, April 30, 2012

Enjoying the view

After an fun-filled, action packed weekend we finally put liam to bed on Sunday and got to take a breath. It was such a nice night out Dennis suggested we sit outside and enjoy the view. With one rule: no cell phones, iPads or any other distractions. I am not going to lie I may have objected at first,but soon came to realize this is exactly what we needed. We sat and talked...really talked... and it was so nice. Its so easy to get distracted by all of the handheld gadgets....it felt prehistoric to not have them accessible. It was nice to sit back and look at what we have worked so hard to have and to just enjoy the view. I highly recommend it.

P.S.- if you are reading this and enjoy it....please JOIN THIS SITE ;)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Fast Fix Friday

Instead of a recipe today I decided to switch it up! I made my aunt a wreath this week and it was so easy and quick I thought I would share it!!

These are the supplies you need :

~Hot glue gun
~8 A LOT of glue gun glue sticks
~200 ft ball of natural twine or roping.
~Wooden letter (your choice of size)
~viney (is that a word?) wreath
~dried or silk flowers of your choice...I also used moss.

First start by winding the twine around your letter (insert wine drinking) hot glueing where necessary. I didn't worry about the back because it was going on a wreath(and it look like a HOT mess). After the letter is COMPLETELY covered, glue and tie the letter onto the wreath.

Next arrange your flowers where you want them. It took me about 4 different tries and my husbands "honest" opinion (insert wine drinking) to figure out the perfect spot.

Hot glue them on and voila! It can't get easier than that. This is a simple and easy idea for Mother's Day, birthdays or a housewarming gift. Plus its always fun to get your crafting on! Yes...I did just say that ;)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Shooting fish in a barrel.

The husband decided to join the guys on Wednesday night to relive the days of when he was in a shooting club. (shooting clay pigeons...in case any of your minds are wandering). At first I was a little irritated that he wasn't coming home but the more I thought it over the more I realize we need nights like these. I think its important to have your time as a couple but also to keep your own identity. Liam and I spent the day together at the park (the weather turned our perfect and so was the park) and then had dinner and some quality time with my dad while my mom is away. It turned out to be a great day. Now I am ending my night with sitting at the kitchen counter in my sweats, watching the moniter, blogging with a glass of pinot grigio and a part of me is completely content with that...

But why is it that the husband always seems to have the hobbies? I have heard wives endlessly talk about how their husbands have cards,fantasy drafts,happy hours,golfing..and the list goes on... it's amazing! Where do they find the time?? and where is my long list of hobbies? I often catch myself cancelling "walk dates" with girlfriends or even "girls nights out" because I feel guilty leaving Liam. But, the truth is that is probably the best thing I could do to help myself become a better mom. The saying is true "absence makes the heart grow fonder". Even if it is a workout class or running errands by myself...I am going to start making myself say "Yes" and stick with it because finding nights like these are like "shooting fish in a barrel". I may be thinking of Liam while I am away but I know he is in good hands and I will be coming home as a refreshed mom with a little bit of a new perspective.

Let me know if you have any special hobbies or nights to yourself that you love to indulge in!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

50% chance.

Today we are supposed to go to the park with some friends and I hate how Mother Nature is dangling the fate of our day in its hands. We have been looking up to this all week. Even though a day in with laundry and windex wouldn't hurt, a day out at the park with my buddy would be wonderful. I suppose if it's going to rain this poem helps ease the pain. (Hey! I am a poet and I didn't even know it!...yes..I did just type that :))

April Rain Song

Let the rain kiss you
Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops
Let the rain sing you a lullaby
The rain makes still pools on the side walk
The rain makes running pools in the gutter
The rain plays a little sleep song on our roof at night
And I love the rain.

Langston Hughes

Monday, April 23, 2012

Mimis and Papas are from heaven

My mom left on Saturday for her annual girls trip to Florida and when I went to say good-bye to her I could feel the lump forming in my throat. I thought to myself..."Get yourself together lady!She will only be gone a week!"..but a week is a long time. 7 days. 168 hours. 604,800 seconds.

I think this week is good for both me and my mom. Obviously, she gets the relaxation and time with her girlfriends she longingly deserves and I get the time to realize how blessed I am to have her and my dad in my life. My dad happily picks up the roles my mom plays while she is home and at the drop of a hat he cleared his day on a Saturday to spend it with Liam . My mom and dad would give their right arm to help their children and grandson. I can only hope I can be half the person they are. They love with their whole heart. Always see the positive and truly are the best people they can be. Even when times aren't the greatest they always put on their smile and go out to face the world. I am so blessed to have them in our lives. I may not always show it but its times like these that I am reminded how good I have it.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Fast Fix Friday

Since it seems to be the perfect weather for a grill out this weekend, I decided to throw together a quick marinade with whatever I had in the fridge. To my surprise it turned out very good! Here are the quick and easy ingredients you need for my concoction!

3 boneless skinless chicken breast
3/4 cup worchestire sauce
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/4 honey
dash of red pepper flakes, garlic powder, onion salt

Mix all together in a freezer bag and put in the fridge for at least 3 hours or over night! Get your chicken on the grill and voila!! I served this with whole grain long rice and steamed veggies!

Please share your go to marinade! I always love new ideas!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


This was my friend's post on Facebook today. I cried as I read it and left thinking about my own love story (more on that May 22nd). It's amazing how life only gets better with age. I hope it inspires you too!

Facebook Post: About 15 years ago I met a boy who I thought was soooo cute. He would page me on my blue beeper, and I would call him back from my house phone. We dated other people in high school, but I always had a little crush on him. A few years later, I saw that guy again at a bar called Vertigo that served 50 cent draft beer to underage sorority girls. He was even cuter, and we were both finally single at the same time. He asked me to marry him five years later on the day we closed on our house. Three years ago, on April 18th, we got married and officially began our life together. Six months ago we added our sweet Rebecca to our little family....oh, how our love has changed and grown over the years. I never would have imagined that the freshman boy I met 15 years ago would become my husband!! It has been the best years of my life, and I can't wait to see what else the future holds for us. I love you.

Insert tears here.... <3

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Today on the trustworthy Facebook, I asked my "friends" for suggestions of new and fun things to do with Liam.

One suggestion I kept seeing over and over was Totter Otterville. So my cousin's wife and her cutie pie daughter hopped in the car and met Liam and I in Covington. After a long car ride and 3 wrong turns we slowly approached the ...how do I say this nicely...not so good looking building. Still with are hopes up we opened the doors and....were greatly disappointed. The place looked like it could use a much needed power wash. The toys and play areas were old and unfortunately very dirty looking. After about a half an hour of wandering around we got on the trolley to be escorted around their side yard to see worn and broken porcelain animals. We left shortly after. Sadly,the best part was the lunch!

So.....here are a couple of places I know and love!

The  Cincinnati Zoo-Liam and I love the zoo and if you haven't been there you are missing out! From the carousel and petting zoo to the Tunes and Blooms on Thursday nights you are gauranteed to have a good time no matter what age!


The park- We love going to the park! Its free and mommy can normally get a quick walk in while we are there. There are many great parks that have yet to be discovered...I will let you in on one of my hidden secrets.

The Bi-centennial Park. This park is located on the west side of town on Diehl Rd. and it is fairly new. It has a 1/2 mile walking track and a great gated in play area with rubber flooring. The only down side is there are no swings ...but, who needs those when you have 6 slides!


The Cincinnati Childrens Museum- This is a great rainy day place to be! It has everything for every age! From a water table (Liam's favorite) to a cave to explore. Your child is gauranteed a long nap that afternoon.


I hope this is a help for anyone looking for things to do with a toddler in Cincinnati. Learn from my mistake and stick to your key places. Cincinnati has done a great job keeping them up!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Unhappy customer

 I was at the grocery store with my son the other day and of course we had made friends with many elderly folks by the time we had gotten to the check out line... but this one man has really stuck in my mind. 

 As I was checking out (and Liam was showing the man next in line everything that was in my purse ) the man said something to him that I just can't stop thinking about. He said "looks like you are one happy guy...enjoy it now...you have plenty of time to be unhappy". I did my nervous laugh and "mmhmmm"'ed along with his statement but then I started thinking...what a profound thing for him to say to my one year old. 
 At what point does he have to be unhappy? All I know, is that from that point on I was going to make a conscious decision to be happy and to help my son live the same way. It is truly your time so you should choose wisely. As for the old man, I hope his 5 gallon drum of ice cream he was buying can make him happy for a bit!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Fast Fix Friday

I am always looking for a quick fix for a family dinner. This past Tuesday I had my family over and what was supposed to be pizza ended up as a stromboli. The result was a good and unexpected change!
Here is what I did...
Preheat oven to 400 degrees
-Brown 1lb lean hot Italian turkey sausage
-saute a container of sliced mushrooms, 1/2 a red onion, a bag fresh baby spinach and 2 garlic cloves with olive oil
-lay out 2(Pillsbury) pizza dough
-put a thicker layer of pizza sauce,sausage, veggie mix and mozzarella cheese down the center (load it on)
-fold sides in and over,brush with a coating of olive oil, Italian herbs and a sprinkle mozzarella cheese.
-bake for 40 mins or til golden brown
This was enough to make 2 and serve 6 ENJOY!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


The zoo is my absolute favorite place to go with my son. My brother thinks I am a bonafide zoo stalker and do you know what?! I am completely fine with that. I love watching Liam watching the animals. See him point and make the "ooo ooo ooo ahh ahh ahh" monkey sound.

We take our time getting in and out and in and out of the stroller. We sit and share an ice cream cone. We take the train ride and wave to everyone like they are our friends.

There is something about getting there early in the morning when everything is still fresh and neat. When it's empty and quiet. It's like you are entering the animals home and you don't want to wake them yet. All you want to do is observe and take it all in. Their sanctuary. Our zoo-anctuary.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Please read the fine lines (and wrinkles)

 One of my high school friends is getting married in two weeks and of course that requires the glorious bachelorette party....except where has all the glory gone?! There are only a few of us left to get married....let alone a few of us left to become mothers. This puts a whole new spin on things. At this point there should be a disclaimer on all bachelorette invites.
  Such as: Before joining us at the bar ( where you will feel incredibly uncomfortable) please- self tan, lose the extra 5lbs you've been hanging onto from pregnancy, do a double round of the face tightening mask you meant to start doing three years ago and for god sake buy yourself a new outfit. Also, listening to some updated rap music never hurts....yes, TLC is no longer...please pause for a moment of silence.
 We may no longer be the hot crowd..that crowd is now 8 years younger than us ...but damn we look good, know how to party and have been friends for way too long not to have a good time wherever we are! Every one of our fine lines and wrinkles tells a story! So, cheers to the good ol'days girls because they are just beginning!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


ha·ven  (hvn)
1. A harbor or anchorage; a port.
2. A place of refuge or rest; a sanctuary

As I was rocking my one year old (why does this make me tear up just saying ...or typing..one year old?!) to sleep I was thinking about how great our little life we have created truly is. It's so simple and yet everyday feels like we dig into something new. Learn something new. Feel something new. I feel like I am experiencing everything again right along side of him. It's amazing how going up and down the steps or slide can be the best part of your day. How the car ride to the grocery store is suddenly a memory you want to cherish forever...life is simple. When we try to make it more complex it becomes more complex and then the fundamentals of why we are here are forgotten. We are here to love and give. To tell a story. Create a home. To make memories. That is what I want to share with this blog. I hope you enjoy reading the simple things we are creating at my home we call the happy haven.